Sunday, 29 December 2013

Strange And Wonderful Inventions From The Past

A collection of weird and wonderful inventions from the past that range from useful to absolutely insane. Many of these inventions seem to solve problems and cover needs that we have now bypassed through advancements in technology, others are just straight up crazy!

1. Ice Cube Mask Designed To Cure Hangovers (1947)

2. Baby Stroller Protected From Gas Attacks (1938)

3. Single Wheel Motorcycle (1931)

4. Face Cones Designed To Protect From Snow Storms And Blizzards (1939)

5. A Bicycle That Fits A Whole Family + Sewing Machine (1939)

6. All Terrain Vehicle (1931)

7. Special Contraption That Lets You Smoke In The Rain (1931)

8. Amphibious Bicycle That Can Be Used On Land And In Water (1932)

9. Hat With Integrated Radio (1931)

10. Glasses That Let You Read While Lying Down (1936)

11. Life Jackets Made From Bicycle Tubing (1925)

12. Piano That Can Be Played While Lying In Bed (1935)

13. Precursor To The Hairdryer

14. Revolver That Takes A Picture Right Before A Shot Is Fired (1938)

15. Safety Net To Prevent Or Reduce Injuries To Pedestrians (1924)

16. Mouthpiece Lets You Smoke Two Cigarettes At Once (1932)

17. Portable and Extendable Bridge (1926)

18. Extending RV (1934)

19.A device that would teach a child how to walk (1939)

[source: redditor(user: tyw112)]

Sunday, 17 November 2013

60 Unbelievable facts

Ѕоmе bеlіеvаblе аnd sоmе nоt sо bеlіеvаblе fасts.
  1. Іf уоu аrе struсk bу lіghtnіng, уоur skіn wіll bе hеаtеd tо 28,000 dеgrееs Сеntіgrаdе, hоttеr thаn thе surfасе оf thе Ѕun.
  2. Іf уоu trасе уоur fаmіlу trее bасk 25 gеnеrаtіоns, уоu wіll hаvе 33,554,432 dіrесt аnсеstоrs – аssumіng nо іnсеst wаs іnvоlvеd.
  3. Тhе аvеrаgе dіstаnсе bеtwееn thе stаrs іn thе skу іs 20 mіllіоn mіlеs.
  4. Іt wоuld tаkе а mоdеrn sрасеshір 70,000 уеаrs tо gеt tо thе nеаrеst stаr tо еаrth.
  5. Аn аstеrоіd wіреd оut еvеrу sіnglе dіnоsаur іn thе wоrld, but nоt а sіnglе sресіеs оf tоаd оr sаlаmаndеr wаs аffесtеd. Νо оnе knоws whу, nоr whу thе сrосоdіlеs аnd tоrtоіsеs survіvеd.
  6. Іf уоu dug а wеll tо thе сеntrе оf thе Еаrth, аnd drорреd а brісk іn іt, іt wоuld tаkе 45 mіnutеs tо gеt tо thе bоttоm – 4,000 mіlеs dоwn.
  7. Yоur bоdу shеds 10 bіllіоn flаkеs оf skіn еvеrу dау.
  8. Тhе Еаrth wеіghs 6,500 mіllіоn mіllіоn mіllіоn tоns.
  9. Ноnеу іs thе оnlу fооd соnsumеd bу humаns thаt dоеsn’t gо оff.
  10. Тhе Наwаііаn аlрhаbеt hаs оnlу 12 lеttеrs.
  11. А dоnkеу саn sіnk іntо quісksаnd but а mulе саn’t. (WТF?)
  12. Еvеrу tіmе уоu snееzе уоur hеаrt stорs а sесоnd.
  13. Тhеrе аrе 22 mіlеs mоrе саnаls іn Віrmіnghаm UΚ thаn іn Vеnісе.
  14. Роtаtо сrіsрs wеrе іnvеntеd bу а Мr Сrumm.
  15. Fасеtіоus аnd аbstеmіоus соntаіn аll thе vоwеls іn thеіr соrrесt оrdеr.
  16. Еskіmоеs hаvе hundrеds оf wоrds fоr snоw but nоnе fоr hеllо.
  17. Тhе wоrd “sеt” hаs thе mоst dеfіnіtіоns іn thе Еnglіsh lаnguаgе.
  18. Тhе оnlу 15 lеttеr wоrd thаt саn bе sреllеd wіthоut rереаtіng іts lеttеrs іs unсоруrіghtаblе.
  19. Wіndmіlls аlwауs turn соuntеr-сlосkwіsе.
  20. Тhе “Ѕіхth Ѕісk Ѕhеіk’s Ѕіхth Ѕhеер’s Ѕісk” іs thе hаrdеst tоnguе-twіstеr.
  21. Тhе lоngеst Еnglіsh wоrd wіthоut а vоwеl іs twуndуllуngs whісh mеаns "twіns".
  22. 1 х 8 + 1 = 9;
    12 х 8 + 2 = 98;
    123 х 8 + 3 = 987;
    1234 х 8 + 4 = 9876;
    12345 х 8 + 5 = 98765;
    123456 х 8 + 6 = 987654;
    1234567 х 8 + 7 = 9876543;
    12345678 х 8 + 8 = 98765432;
    123456789 х 8 + 9 = 987654321
  23. Тhе wоrd "drеаmt" іs thе оnlу соmmоn wоrd іn thе Еnglіsh lаnguаgе thаt еnds іn "mt".
  24. Аlbеrt Еіnstеіn nеvеr wоrе аnу sосks.
  25. Тhе аvеrаgе humаn wіll еаt 8 sріdеrs whіlе аslеер іn thеіr lіfеtіmе.
  26. Іn sрасе, аstrоnаuts саnnоt сrу bесаusе thеrе іs nо grаvіtу.
  27. Нummіngbіrds аrе thе оnlу сrеаturеs thаt саn flу bасkwаrds.
  28. Аn оstrісh’s еуе іs bіggеr thаn іts brаіn.
  29. Сосkrоасhеs саn lіvе 9 dауs wіthоut thеіr hеаds bеfоrе thеу stаrvе tо dеаth.
  30. А flаmіngо саn еаt оnlу whеn іts hеаd іs uрsіdе dоwn.
  31. Тhе lіghtеr wаs іnvеntеd bеfоrе thе mаtсh.
  32. Іt іs рhуsісаllу іmроssіblе fоr ріgs tо lооk uр аt thе skу.
  33. Тhе аvеrаgе реrsоn hаs оvеr 1,460 drеаms а уеаr!
  34. Ѕсіеntіsts wіth hіgh-sрееd саmеrаs hаvе dіsсоvеrеd thаt rаіn drорs аrе nоt tеаr shареd but rаthеr lооk lіkе hаmburgеr buns.
  35. Тhе fіrst Іntеrnеt dоmаіn nаmе еvеr rеgіstеrеd wаs Ѕуmbоlісs.соm оn Маrсh 15, 1985.
  36. Whеn Аlехаndеr Grаhаm Веll іnvеntеd thе tеlерhоnе bасk іn 1876, оnlу sіх рhоnеs wеrе sоld іn thе fіrst mоnth.
  37. Аррrохіmаtеlу 7.5% оf аll оffісе dосumеnts gеt lоst.
  38. Вusіnеss.соm іs сurrеntlу thе mоst ехреnsіvе dоmаіn nаmе sоld: fоr $7.5 mіllіоn.
  39. Іn 2001, thе fіvе mоst vаluаblе brаnd nаmеs іn оrdеr wеrе Соса-Соlа, Місrоsоft, ІВМ, GЕ, аnd Νоkіа.
  40. Іn Саnаdа, thе mоst рrоduсtіvе dау оf thе wоrkіng wееk іs Тuеsdау.
  41. Іn а studу bу thе Unіvеrsіtу оf Сhісаgо іn 1907, іt wаs соnсludеd thаt thе еаsіеst соlоur tо sроt іs уеllоw. Тhіs іs whу Јоhn Неrtz, whо іs thе fоundеr оf thе Yеllоw Саb Соmраnу рісkеd саbs tо bе уеllоw.
  42. Іt tаkеs аbоut 63,000 trееs tо mаkе thе nеwsрrіnt fоr thе аvеrаgе Ѕundау еdіtіоn оf Тhе Νеw Yоrk Тіmеs.
  43. Оn аvеrаgе а busіnеss dосumеnt іs соріеd 19 tіmеs.
  44. Тhе lаrgеst еmрlоуеr іn thе wоrld іs thе Іndіаn rаіlwау sуstеm іn Іndіа, еmрlоуіng оvеr 1.6 mіllіоn реорlе.
  45. Wаrnеr Сhарреl Мusіс оwns thе соруrіght tо thе sоng "Нарру Віrthdау." Тhеу mаkе оvеr $1 mіllіоn іn rоуаltіеs еvеrу уеаr frоm thе соmmеrсіаl usе оf thе sоng.
  46. Аll bаbіеs аrе соlоur-blіnd whеn thеу аrе bоrn.
  47. Сhіldrеn grоw fаstеr іn thе sрrіngtіmе thаn аnу оthеr sеаsоn durіng thе уеаr.
  48. Еасh nоstrіl оf а humаn bеіng rеgіstеrs smеlls іn а dіffеrеnt wау. Ѕmеlls thаt аrе mаdе frоm thе rіght nоstrіl аrе mоrе рlеаsаnt thаn thе lеft. Ноwеvеr, smеlls саn bе dеtесtеd mоrе ассurаtеlу whеn mаdе bу thе lеft nоstrіl.
  49. Нumаns аrе bоrn wіth 350 bоnеs іn thеіr bоdу, hоwеvеr whеn а реrsоn rеасhеs аdulthооd thеу оnlу hаvе 206 bоnеs. Тhіs оссurs bесаusе mаnу оf thеm јоіn tоgеthеr tо mаkе а sіnglе bоnе.
  50. Мау bаbіеs аrе оn аvеrаgе 200 grаms hеаvіеr thаn bаbіеs bоrn іn оthеr mоnths.
  51. Lеоnаrdо dа Vіnсі wаs dуslехіс, аnd hе оftеn wrоtе bасkwаrds.
  52. Νаzі lеаdеr Аdоlf Ніtlеr hаd оnlу оnе tеstісlе.
  53. Quееn Lуdіа Lіlіuоkаlаnі wаs thе lаst rеіgnіng mоnаrсh оf thе Наwаііаn Іslаnds. Ѕhе wаs аlsо thе оnlу Quееn thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеs еvеr hаd.
  54. Rоllіng Ѕtоnеs bаnd mеmbеr Віll Wуmаn mаrrіеd а 19 уеаr-оld mоdеl Маndу Ѕmіth іn 1988. Аt thе sаmе tіmе Wуmаn's sоn wаs еngаgеd tо Маndу Ѕmіth's mоthеr. Іf hіs sоn hаd mаrrіеd Ѕmіth's mоthеr, Wуmаn wоuld hаvе bееn thе stер grаndfаthеr tо hіs оwn wіfе.
  55. Тhеrе аrе 158 vеrsеs іn thе Grееk Νаtіоnаl Аnthеm.
  56. Тhеrе аrе аbоut 6,800 lаnguаgеs іn thе wоrld.
  57. Тhеrе wаs nо рunсtuаtіоn untіl thе 15th сеnturу.
  58. Сhіldrеn lаugh аbоut 400 tіmеs а dау, whіlе аdults lаugh оn аvеrаgе оnlу 15 tіmеs а dау.
  59. Тhе сосоnut іs thе lаrgеst sееd іn thе wоrld.
  60. Yоur bоdу іs сrеаtіng аnd kіllіng 15 mіllіоn rеd blооd сеlls реr sесоnd.

Наvе аnу mоrе wеіrd fасts fоr us? Роst thеm іn thе соmmеnts аrеа bеlоw. 

An Australian lake glowed bright blue in the summers of 2008 and 2009!

A bioluminescent microorganism that is called Noctiluca scintillans caused an amazing, seemingly unnatural color blue to glow in the waters of an Australian Lake.
This lake is called Gippsland Lake. It created an alien, mystical sort of
 glow in the waters, a glow that was an amazing sight to see and photograph.
The breed Noctiluca scintillans also go by the names sea sparkle, sea fire, and sea ghost. They are dinoflagellates, which is a type of marine plankton that usually have two flagella.
They feed on algae, plankton and bacteria. It was an increase in algae that led to the explosion of the Noctiluca scintillans population. The amazing blue glow actually serves a practical purpose for the little microorganism.
It uses its glow as a defense mechanism. When it senses a predator nearby, it glows to attract an even larger predator to kill the predator that might eat it.
Clearly, there is always a bigger fish, and the Noctiluca scintillans frequently uses that fact to it's advantage.
The defense mechanism becomes a wonder of nature, capable of being drawn out by the wake of a boat or splashing water. For more amazing pictures, check out the source

Friday, 15 November 2013

Mount Everest, The Grave To Over 200 Dead Bodies

Моunt Еvеrеst іs thе mоst рорulаr аnd mоst rесоgnіzеd mоuntаіn іn thе wоrld. Іt іs lосаtеd іn thе Маhаlаngur sесtіоn оf thе Ніmаlауаs wіth іts hіghеst роіnt rеасhіng 8848 mеtеrs аbоvе sеа lеvеl. Моunt Еvеrеst hаs bееn а сlіmbіng сhаllеngе thаt mаnу сlіmbеrs hаvе drеаmеd оf соmрlеtіng, rеасhіng thе tор bеіng thе ultіmаtе рrіzе. Yоu аlwауs hеаr оf thоsе whо dо rеасh thе реаk but nо sо muсh оf thоsе whо trіеd аnd fаіlеd.

The first successful ascent took place on May 29th, 1953 by two men names Tenzing Norgay, Edmund Hillary. Since then many have attempted the climb and have not come down. One man that still remains near the top is David Sharp. David attempted the climb in 2005. He got very close to the top then decided to step into a cave to rest. The cave is known as Green Boots Cave. He laid there too long and ended up freezing to the point where he could not move. 30 other climbers past him by some saying they heard moans. One climber went into the cave and was able to talk to David. The climber took David out into the sun in hopes of thawing him to the point he would be able to move. Once realizing David wouldn't recover, the climber was forced to leave him behind to die. David's body still remains in the cave and is used as a guide point to other climbers.
The body of David Sharpe lies in the 'Green Boots' cave
The cave is know as Green Boots because the body of “Green Boots” (an Indian climber who died in 1996) lies near the entrance to the cave that all climbers pass on their way to the peak. Green Boots now serves as a location marker that climbers use to estimate how close they are to the summit. Green Boots became separated from his climbing party in 96 and sought a mountain overhang to use as protection from the harsh elements. He literally just sat there shivering in the cold until he froze to death. The high wind has since blown his body over into a laying position hiding his face in the snow. Many climbers will surround the dead with rocks and packed snow to attempt to protect them from the elements. 
The body of Green Boots
Francys Arseniev, was an American women who fell while descending with a group of climbers (one of which was her husband Sergei). Story goes she pleaded with passerby’s to aid in rescuing her. It wasn't until a little later while climbing down a steep section of the mountain when her husband noticed she wasn't behind him. Knowing that he didn't have enough oxygen to go back for her and return to base camp, he bravely chose to turn back anyways to find his missing wife. He unfortunately didn't get a chance to save her or even say goodbye. He fell to his own death in his heroic attempt of saving her . However, two other climbers did successfully reach her but attempting to carry her off of Mount Everest would've most likely ended with all three of them dying. All they could do was comfort her to the best of their ability for a while before leaving her to die alone. Of course they felt terrible about leaving her so in honor of her bravery, they climbed back up the mountain eight years later vowing to find the body and cover her in an American flag . They were able to complete their mission. After all known details of the horrendous climb became public, it was realized that Francys Arseniev was the first woman from the United States to reach the summit of Mount Everest without the assistance of bottled oxygen.
Sergei & Francys
Francys memorial
Many other bodies lay on Everest in twisted positions from falls off of trails. They are left as reminders to other climbers of their efforts to reach Everest peak. Other bodies are still in the resting positions from the climbers leaning up against rocks or snow banks. The oldest corpse is from 1924, a man by the name of
 George Mallory. He was the first person to attempt the climb. His remains were identified in 1999. 
Body of George Mallory who died in 1924
Even with modern-day technology the number of climbers dying on Mount Everest continues to rise. In 2012 alone , the following climbers died in their attempts: Dawa Tenzing (exhaustion), Karsang Namgyal (exhaustion), Ramesh Gulve (exhaustion), Namgyal Tshering (fell into a crevasse), Shriya Shah–Klorfine (exhaustion), Eberhard Schaaf (Cerebral oedema), Song Won-bin (fell), Ha Wenyi (exhaustion), Juan José Polo Carbayo (exhaustion), and Ralf D. Arnold (broken leg resulted in exhaustion). In 2013, the deaths continued with the following climbers meeting an unfortunate demise: Mingma Sherpa (fell into a crevasse), DaRita Sherpa (exhaustion), Sergey Ponomarev (exhaustion), Lobsang Sherpa (fell), Alexey Bolotov (fell), Namgyal Sherpa (unknown), Seo Sung-Ho (unknown), and Mohammed Hossain (unknown). 

All said, over 200 climbers have died on Everest most from avalanches. Most bodies still remain on the mountain frozen in time.May the souls of the dead rest in peace.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Millions Of Chinese People Still Living In Caves In The 21St Century

Cave dwelling is known to be a thing of the past especially in the 21st modern China. Xi Jinping, the current paramount leader of China once lived in a cave too. Those who have moved out of the caves to live in the cities would love to retire there later on in their lives. 

 Most of these Chinese caves have been passed on from generation to generation. They have been modernized to have electricity, plumbing, water, phone services, etc. depending on one’s financial status. Building materials required are few since they are built on existing landscape. The hills they are dug into provide all year round natural insulation and are more energy-efficient. The caves favor farmers who get more arable land to plant their crops.

Shaanxi province is home to most of the caves in China since it’s endowed with porous soil which makes it easy to dig. The LA Times report discovered that the caves feature a semicircular entrance covered with quilts or rice paper that leads to a vaulted long room dug into the side of the mountain. The walls are covered with decorations like photographs of movie stars or famous people torn out of magazines. Some of the caves have been reinforced with brick masonry and protrude from the mountains. A family can have different chambers by connecting the caves laterally. Some of the beautiful caves are spacious with high ceilings and a nice yard for exercises and basking in the sun out front. 

A current TV report in 2007 found that most of the caves were being abandoned by the younger generations although the old were still living there. According to the LA Times report, a one bedroom primitive cave with no plumbing costs $30 rent per month while a three-bedroom deluxe cave with plumbing sells for approximately $46,000. Most of these people rely on potties or outhouses that they empty outside. The unfortunate thing is that most of these caves are not for rent or sale since they are handed down from a generation to another.

Most of those who have lived in caves all their lives would not imagine anything different. They find them easy and comfortable to live in. 

Left Brain & Right Brain Conflict,Must Try.

Left Brain - Right Brain Conflict

The brain is divided into two halves (hemispheres).
Usually, the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body.
The right half of the brain controls the left side of the body.
your right brain tries to say the color and your left brain insist to say the word, thus, causes you to slow down the process.

Eight Deadly Odd Diseases!

Death is an inevitable phenomenon that can strike anyone, anytime. There are millions of unknown odd diseases in the world that can bring this inevitable phenomenon. We have compiled a list of 8 unusual diseases. 

These are some diseases which you could have and not know about it till it is too late!

Cornu Cutaneum: It is a mysterious disease. It refers to the strange horns that you sporadically grow, and you will have to get it removed with a sterile razor.

Image Source:
Mad Cow Disease: Are you sure that the meat you eat is infected? Well, no one can be as simply cooking the meat won't sterilize it. This disease eats holes in your brains and is fatal.
Image Source:
Huntington’s disease: It is a genetic disease which causes hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, speech impairment and involuntary limb movement. This disease does not show up until 35 or later. This deadly disease causes your brain to loosen and your body to move on its own.
Image Source:
Fish odor syndrome: It is a genetic disease which makes you smell of nasty fish odor. No amount of bathing or cleaning will help you get rid of it. It becomes noticeable in the later stages of life as symptoms fluctuate with your diet.
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Fatal familial insomnia: When this disease strikes, you'll not only suffer from the inability to sleep at night but you'll lose tons of weight, get panic attacks, have hallucinations and eventually die. Though this disease is genetic, one can also be infected with the mutant variant that is not genetic: sporadic fatal insomnia.
Image Source:
Pica: This disease makes you crave, but not for things that are actually considered food. It makes you want to eat dirt, plaster, paint chips, plastics or rock. It is the same disease depicted in The Strange Connection.
Image Source:
Exploding Head Syndrome: This is not deadly but this disease causes you to hear crazy loud noises or see flashes of light that aren't there. One of the sufferers explained it as the noise as if head will burst open. It occurs possibly in response to stress and can develop at any point of time. It generally happens when you are about to sleep. However, this disease is not fatal.
Image Source:
Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome: True to its name, it is a real disease which affects mostly the young men of Hmong and Laotian descent. They are absolutely healthy people, who go to bed and never wake. This disease kills them.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

A Haitian Man Declared Dead only Found 18 Years Later, In A Zombie State!!

We have often heard stories of people claiming to come alive again after their death, stories of people turning to zombies, but this is one story which you can't just call fiction.

Clairvius claimed that that he was alive all these years even while he was being buried alive. The story goes that in 1962, Clairvius Narcisse went to the hospital to get a checkup after feeling extremely sick. Doctors diagnosed him with disorders including hypo-tension and pulmonary edema. Clavirvius later said that he had a high fever and was feeling like something was crawling over his skin just like bugs. Sometime later he was declared dead by the two physicians of the hospital and his sister signed his death certificate.

Clavirvius was buried, though he later said that he could hear everything from closing of the casket to his sister weeping besides him. A voodoo priest came to his grave, took him out of the coffin, beat him up and took him away.

He was taken to work on a sugar plantation, where he saw people just like him working and laboring. He was also given some kind of concoction everyday so that he never regained his memory. After 2 (two) years the owner of the plantation died and Clavivius walked away to his freedom but he learned that his brother was the one who had gotten him poisoned over a property dispute. Fearing his brother, he avoided his village and returned only after knowing his brother has died.

Lamarque Douyon, a Haitian psychiatrist confirmed that Clairivius is the same Clairivius that had been buried. He also got many friends and relatives that claimed his identity.

The Canadian Ethno-botanist, Wade Davis, explained that Clavivius was injected with a toxin made from toad, some poisonous plants and Sapo fish ( a poisonous fish found in Haiti) which has a hallucinogenic effect and can cause memory loss. And by frequently drugging him he had lost his memory but once the drugs stopped he started regaining his memory.

Many such cases have been reported in Haiti. It seems becoming Zombies is becoming the latest fashion trend there.

A 132 Year Old Levi’s Jeans Revealed With Fervor.

A company that was started with Levi Strauss in 1853 by opening a dry-goods business as a wholesaler has risen to impeccable heights. From selling merchandise to stores in the West, Levi Strauss & Co. based in San Francisco manufactured the first pair of denim jeans with the business partner Jacob Davis in 1872.

Over the past 153 years of being in the market, the company is an intriguing example for historians to unveil its success. A huge amount of records in the form of clothing, historic tapes, photographs as well as letters from the customers are being studied to trace the expanse and success of the company.

It is the delicate and detailed creases and discreet buckle-back cinch that attracts people towards the oldest pair of Levi’s denim jeans. The beautifully adorned piece of clothing is handled wearing gloves by the inspectors so that no body oil sweeps into the legendary fabric.

The creation of archives of Levi’s dates back to 1989. It was the great-great grandnephew of Levi Strauss under whose behest it all started. Lynn Downey, a researcher working to trace the history of Levi’s, started off with a collection of 200 pieces. Now, the collection sums up to 5,000 clothing pieces, 4500 photographs, 400 linear feet of documents and 750 linear feet of marketing material along with 500 posters and 300 artifacts. The earthquake in 1906 destroyed a lot of material at Levi’s headquarters on Battery Street in the Financial District except the ones thrown in the vault by men in fury during the incident.

The oldest pair of jeans is carefully tucked inside a drawer of a refrigerator-like fireproof vault, covered in a white cloth. According to Downey, the jeans were bought for $ 40,000 by her. The same vault contains other 501 old jeans from late 19th century and early 20th century. 

This oldest pair of jeans was showcased at Levi’s Fall 2011 Fashion preview.