Thursday, 30 May 2013

5 Awesome Tricks To Optimize Your Life!

1. If you want to buy the cheapest airline tickets online use your browser's incognito mode.

Always Clear your browser's cookies before booking flights online or simple use your browser's incognito modeMany airlines and travel web sites (such as Expedia, Kayak, etc.) track how many times you've visited their websites. In so doing, they provide different offers and deals depending on the user.
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To make sure you're getting the best prices when you book air travel online, be sure to clear your web browser's cookies and cache. This will make it appear as if it's your first time visiting these sites, and you're likely to see much better prices for your next flight!

Also, Mac users are steered to higher priced options
Orbitz has found that Apple users spend as much as 30% more a night on hotels, so the online travel site is starting to show them different, and sometimes costlier, options than Windows visitors see.
2. Separate egg yolks like a boss.

3. Always Carry Power Strips While Travelling.
Image credit: longgoodknight(reddit user)
More often than not, the hotels you go to will either only have a few outlets or have ones that are in inconvenient spots or not easy to see. Bringing a power strip will solve both those problems and you will be able to power/charge as many things as you want.

4. During camping, strap a head lamp to a gallon jug of water to fill the entire tent with ambient light.
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5. When studying a subject, pretend that you'll have to teach the material you're studying.
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It changes your frame of reference and forces you to pay more attention to the material. You imagine in your head how you'll explain the material to other people, and in such, you'll gain a greater frame of understanding.

A Fantasy Soon To Come True! - The Flying Car..!!

Soon, flying in the sky won't be just limited to wizards and witches, now the "muggles" will have their own personal flying car, all thanks to the U.S company Terrafugia Inc, which boasts of producing a flying car which can be driven or flown by anyone.
flying car
Image Source
The flying car which is popularly called the TF-X will be a hybrid of a car, helicopter and plane, which can be driven as well as flown like a personal jet plane. The feature that sets aside this beautiful piece of marvel is that it won't need a runaway to take off and land the vehicle, it will take off vertically from the ground just requiring a clearance of 100 ft. The reason that it will take off so easily is because of the helicopter-like electric-powered rotor blades located on each side. While the TF-X is in the air, the turbine like gas engine located at the rear end of passenger seat will take over to let the machine fly. This feature is looked upon as making the flying car a success which was absent in the company's previous venture- The Transition, which is a plane that can be driven on the road. Well, unless you have a runaway at your home, the Transition is pretty much useless for you.
flying car
Image Source
If you are not a pilot and are probably wondering how to fly this vehicle then its least of your worries, as once this machine is in the air it switches to autopilot mode and will do the major part of flying for you. The autopilot will also be responsible for landing it on the road and just to be on the safe side- the machine also has a parachute for "just in case" events.  Any landing problems within 500 miles of range and this parachute will automatically open up in the mid air to ensure a safe landing.
flying car
Image Source
The company boasts that a genuine or a good driver would require no more than 5 hours to safely operate the TF-X. Though not a specific date has been assigned to the launch of TF-X, but it is expected to be around the early 2020's.

The price of the TF-X was not disclosed by the company but claimed that the price of the product will be somewhere be averaging around the high end luxury cars.
flying car

The success of the TF-X subsequently lies on the by-product of the company Transition, which is expected to be available to the customers around 2015 with a price tag of $270, 000, if it see the glory of success and sells well than the future of TF-X would look a lot brighter.


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Duck Successfully Fathers A Chicken, A New Hope For Extinct Species.

In the age of cross breeding and hybrids, scientists in Dubai took an extra step by making some unusual discoveries. In order to make more fertile hens, scientists in Dubai of Central Veterinary Research Laboratory injected a duck’s DNA to produce eggs and sperm into a chicken.

According to Timenewsfeed, it says: 

Researchers injected a chicken’s germ cells — carrying DNA to produce eggs and sperm — into the reproductive organs of a male duck embryo; once the duck matured, it began to produce the chicken’s sperm. Initially looking to genetically modify chicken to produce more fertile hens (the global poultry industry currently maintains some 50 billion chickens).

With the assistance of Dr. Mc Grew, a scientist at the Roslin Institute, Dubai team wishes to make chickens give birth to a variety of different bird species like songbirds and eagles. Hoping this technique could be used to breed even endangered species one day.

Scientists are unable to give reasoning for creating new species of animals and it is thought to be a crazy and scary thought by many. One of the team member quoted:
“ I’d like to take this moment to voice that science is totally amazing/crazy/terrifying.” Animals giving birth to other species of animals is definitely terrifying."
Such instances make you think if the knowledge and energy of our scientists should be channelized to protect deteriorating habitats rather than to create new ones. As climate change and overpopulation has led to space crunch which has crippled the chances of these existing species for survival or this is the ultimate answer to our problems ?

5 Ways to Make Your Brain Unbelievably Bad-Ass Awesome!

Brain is considered to be the most important and complex organ. Its functioning has been a nightmare to many for the past, ummm too many to count years. According to our history, the brain is just an unsolved mystery.

However, studies have found that it is easier to just fool the brain than to fight with it. 

Various techniques to hoodwink the grey matter are:

1. Making it think like you got a good night’s sleep after only 2 hours of actual sleep

The Uberman Sleep Schedule allows you to have a maximum of essential sleep without wasting precious hours just lying on the bed. Stump the brain by taking six, half an hour naps, every four hours a day. The getting used to this schedule will take some time and you might even want to pull your hair in the end, but when you realize that you can play Wii badminton wee bit longer than everyone else, it’s worth it!!

A normal healthy human being sleeps for 8 hours a day. Over these 8 hours of sleep, the body moves through 5 distinct stages of sleep, out of which the 5th stage- REM sleep is the part which provides you with the actual sleep. 

The trick is to skip all the other four stages and directly enter the REM stage. This is achieved by taking six (6) twenty (20) to thirty (30) minute naps in a day. A common approach to achieve to incorporate this schedule is to indulge in an intense long term project. Jump right in, play/work for five (5) hours, take a nap for thirty (30) minutes and so on for the next few days. It is easier said than done, but the benefits are countless.

The Uberman Sleep Schedule involves establishing a customized sleep pattern

2. Be sane with insanity!!!

Close your eyes, think of your favorite thing to do and do it with the person you want!!
YUP!! Being insane by hallucinating helps you block most of the signals that go to your brain. Be high with your own dose of delirium and enjoy the Ganzfeld effect.

The technique provides ‘unstructured’ sensations to a person. It is achieved by placing half cut Table Tennis balls over the eyes, the purpose of which is to diffuse the light (usually red) coming through and side by side exposing the participant to white noise through headphones.

The Ganzfeld effect, which means “complete field” in German, otherwise known as Perceptual Deprivation, is an occurrence of sensitivity caused by exposure to a shapeless (diffused white light), unchanging stimulus (White Noise). The result of it is Hallucinations. The trick is to block out signals reaching your brain. After some time (30 minutes or so), the sensory signals of the light coming from ping pong balls and the white noise are ignored by the brain. To compensate for the lost signals, brain has to create its own; this is where the participant will experience hallucinations.

This phenomenon is known to be naturally experienced by miners stuck in pitch black mines; Arctic explorers who would only see bland expanse of white noise for a long time.

3. Go to your own fool’s paradise

Wish peter pan actually existed?? Or you could see Santa and his reindeer's with your own eyes? Wish you could ask the tooth fairy to leave more than 1 dollar the next time your tooth breaks?

All this is possible when you add imagination with the supernatural powers of belief, with a tinge of sleep to mix it all property. In a dream state, your mind mostly loses the ability to criticize anything that's happening because dreaming just doesn't involve the critical part of your brain.

How to have a clear cut dreams of who, what, where, how and why?  Keepdream journals to write your own lucid dreams and go into your own movie of “INCEPTION”. The moment you wake up from a dream, jot down every detail that you can remember from your dream, however irrelevant it may sound, just note it down. The brain will recognize patterns embedded in your dreams. It is easier for your brain to recall something that is on paper. Tell your brain that you are serious about remembering your dreams.

4. Become smarter while sleeping [HAVE YOU LOST IT (OR FOUND IT?????)]

Ever heard the expression “SLEEP ON IT”? Well, scientists have found that you remember more when you learn 24 hours before and then sleep. (Seems like my mother was bang on about this) The ability of your brain to retain information and consolidate it occurs while you are asleep. The brain processes all the things that have happened to you since the morning and create permanent blocks that can be brought back whenever you need it.

Retention of any information by the human brain comprises of three (3) stages- attainment, consolidation and recollection. While rest of the body is asleep, the brain is constantly processing information gathered; this is when the consolidation of information occurs. Think of it in this way- A Software will take longer to install when there are many applications running in the background, while it would take a lot less time when all other applications are down. 

5. Bamboozle!!!

Trick your brain into believing anything is possible. Use your memory to distinguish the real memories from the fake ones that have been told to you since you were young. Accentuate the memories that you actually need from the garbage fed to you by everyone around.

The Brain processes so much information that the memory becomes distorted. The brain tends to keep a blend of memories. The memories consists of general lessons learnt and the important facts and figures. All this information is a part of an assortment, the information can be gathered from an experience or from something you read, saw, heard etc. The trick lies in confusing your mind by constructing scenarios using your memories and believing in it.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

10 Unbelievable Places On Earth Part 2

I hope you enjoyed part-1 of 20 Unbelievable Places On Earth

As promised we have come back with 10 more breathtaking places, which we hope that you would love to visit once in your life time. You've got to see these places to believe them.

1.Fields of Tea, China

The coastal province of Zhejiang is famed for their gorgeous green tea fields. Many important styles of green tea originated in Zhejiang, including well, gunpowder, and anjibai cha. Zhejiang is the bastion of Green tea production in China and the World.

2.Lake Hillier, Australia

Lake Hillier is a pink-colored lake on Middle Island, Western Australia. The color of the lake is permanent, and the color doesn’t change its color when taken out in a bottle.  The length of the lake is about 600 meters. From above the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink.
3.Mendenhall Ice Caves, Alaska

It’s an unbelievable sight of a massive glacier, with such vibrant blue ice melting all around.A small, unseen stream tumbles down the slopes of Mt. McGinnis. As it peters out, it disappears under the icy border of the Mendenhall Glacier.The water tunnels its way underneath the glacier, assisted only by the movement of air, forming the ice caves. There are chunks of ice hanging there ready to fall.

4.Naica Mine, Mexico

The Naica Mine of the Mexican state of Chihuahua is a working mine that is best known for its extraordinary selenite crystals. 

Surprisingly, The Naica mine gets hotter as you go down because it lies above an intrusion of magma about a mile below the surface. Within the cave itself, the temperature goes as high as 112 degrees Fahrenheit with 90 to 100 percent humidity—hot enough that each visit carries the risk of heatstroke.

5.Red Beach, China

The Red Beach is located in the Liaohe River delta, near Panjin City, China. It is based in the biggest wetland and reed marsh in the world. The sand itself isn’t red. The red is caused by a type of sea weed that grows abundantly in the saline-alkali soil. In autumn, this weed turns flaming red, and the beach looks as if it was covered by an infinite red carpet that creates a rare red sea landscape.

6.Tianzi Mountain

Tianzi Mountain is located in Zhangjiajie in the Hunan Province of China, close to the Suoxi Valley. Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve covers an area of 67 square kilometers, and the highest peak is 1,262 meters above the sea level.

The mountain is named after Xiang Dakunwho led the local farmers’ revolt and called himself Tianzi---the Son of Heaven, Tianzi Mountain provides stunning views of peaks, which rise one after another. It is known as 'the Monarch of the Peak Forest'.

7.Shibazakura Flowers, Takinoue Park, Japan

The Shibazakura (Pink Moss) Festival is one of the most unique and colorful festivals on the Hokkaido flower calendar. Winding paths lead you across a surreal pink and purple hillside overlooking Takinoue town. 

Every year from early May to early June, Takinoue Park is covered with a carpet of Shibazakura which started from the equivalent of a single tangerine box filled with seedlings. These flowers have spread and grown every year and now cover an area of 100,000 square meters.

8.Door to Hell

The Door to Hell is a natural gas field in Derweze (also spelled Darvaza, meaning "gate"), Ahal Province, Turkmenistan. The Door to Hell is noted for its natural gas firing which has been burning continuously since it was lit by Soviet petrochemical scientists in 1971, fed by the rich natural gas deposits in the area.

9.Street in Bonn, Germany

This remarkable street in Bonn showing cherry blossoms in full bloom. This scenario is present only for two to three weeks in a year. 
The Cherry Blossom Festival (Kirschblütenfest) in the old part of the city of Bonn  is celebrated annually around the mid of April. 

10.Zhangye Danxia Landform, China

ZhangyeDanxia Landform is literally a massive piece of art that spans more than 400 square kilometers in the Linze and Sunan counties of the Gansu Province in northwest China. The unusual colors of the rocks are the result of red sandstone and mineral deposits being laid down over 24 million years. The resulting 'layer cake' was then buckled by the same tectonic plates responsible for parts of the Himalayan mountains.